Lets Try This Again

I SUCK AT BLOGGING.  I suck at remembering to blog.  I suck at actually sitting down to get it done.  I just SUCK at blogging.  So, we’re gonna try this one more time.  If I continue to suck as bad as I have thus far, I am gonna give it up until KJ is old enough to type on her own (which won’t be long since she’s such an overachiever lol), and she can worry about keeping it updated.  😉


So, Karsen is 15 months old.  Where has the time gone?  I miss my 5 pound baby.  A lot.  But I LOVE my 25 pound baby.  She is so much fun right now, and has a HUGE personality…wonder where she gets that from?!?  She runs everywhere, she doesn’t like to sit in a high chair, and she sure doesn’t want you trying to feed her.  She can do it HERSELF!  I’m almost positive that is what she’s saying in her head when I get the look.  She has a little bit of an attitude, too.  Not sure where that came from, either. 


Karsen is absolutely thriving.  She trys so hard to talk, she yells to try to get her point across, even though we have no idea what exactly it is she is trying to say.  Her favorite thing is to be outside, playing in the water, or yelling at the puppies.  I am amazed every day at how much she has grown, how much she has changed, and at just how absolutely wonderful she makes my life.  I can honestly say, that even though the situation hasn’t been ideal, there is not one thing I would change right now.  The smile on her face when I get her out of her bed, and the way she runs across the room and squeals when I show up to get her at the sitter make everything worth it. 


So, I promise to really, really try to be better at this…somebody remind me to  update if I forget, deal?


Hello again!

Add a comment August 22, 2009

I know, I know.


I suck.  I haven’t updated Karsen’s page in forever, but honestly, I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to say.  So, here we go.  Karsen is doing amazing.  She turned 6 months old on Saturday and is so smart, and so funny.  She is crawling and trying to get in some teeth, so she isn’t feeling so great for the past couple of days.  She and I are still living with my mom and dad, and Jeremy has gone back to Whitney and to his old job.  We are trying to work things out, so we will see.  But, this blog is about Karsen and not about anything else, so lets see what else we can come up with here. 

She weighs 15 lbs now!  Yay! 

She was a dragonfly for Halloween, and the hit of the festivities.  (as if there was any doubt about that)

She is such a ham and loves the camera.  She will  be screaming because of something I have made her wear, and as soon as I get out the camera and start snapping pictures, she is all smiles…Gee, I wonder where she got that from!  :o)

Really, about 30 seconds before I snapped this picture, she was screaming…red face, tears, the whole bit…

Other than that, not a lot going on.  I am working part time at Miss Cayce’s Christmas store, so come by and see me on the weekends, and buy a lot of stuff!  And if you can’t come by…let me know if you need any Christmas related goods, I betcha we could work out a deal.  ;o)

Oh yeah, Thanksgiving is coming up, and we are so excited!  Karsen’s Aunt Kim and her cousins Bradley and Colby are finally going to get to meet her!  YAY!! 

I hope everyone has a great week!

2 comments November 10, 2008



My mommy has been really bad about  updating this!  :o)

Things are going good here in Midland.  I started to daycare last week, and Ms. Crystal has only had to tell Mommy that I showed my spoiled side once, but I was only there for 3 days last week! 

Mommy and Daddy are both enjoying their jobs and things are going well.  We are still looking for a house, but I know we will find one soon! 

Other than that, there isn’t much else to report.  My Uncle Eric, Aunt Kim and my cousins Brad and Colby just moved back to the states from Italy, so I can’t wait to see them!  It will be the first time we will meet!  Mommy is going to take me to swimming lessons just as soon as they will let me in, but I am not quite old enough yet.  I wanna get in there so I can be just like Abby when I grow up! 

I hope everyone has a great week, and Mommy promises to be better at updating!

Love you all,


1 comment August 4, 2008

My 2 Month Birthday

Has come and gone.  I had a doctor’s appointment and had to get 4 shots,  :o(  but I did ok.  I am up to 11 lbs. and 22 inches long!!  When we got out of the doctor, me and Mommy and Granmargie drove to Midland.  For right now we are staying with Granmargie and Grandad until Mommy and Daddy find a house.  My daddy will be here tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see him again.  It was sad leaving Dallas, but I am having fun in Midland.  Mommy and Daddy start their new jobs on Monday, so it will just be me and my Granmargie for a little while until I start going to day care.  I hope all of my friends back in Dallas are doing good.  I miss y’all!



1 comment July 11, 2008

Its tiring being me…


I am 7 weeks today and just rolled over from my tummy to my back!  Yay me!! 

So my daddy got a phone call yesterday, and it is official.  He has accepted a job and we are moving back to Midland!  I am excited to be close to my Granmargie and Grandad and everyone else, but it will be sad to leave all of my friends in Dallas.  We are leaving soon, so mommy will be calling everyone to try to fit in as much visiting as we can.  I hope everyone is having a great week!




Add a comment June 26, 2008

Big News Coming Soon!!!!

And by big, I mean HUUUUUGE news.  Anyway, more on that later.


Things have been going pretty good around here.  Mommy and I went to Midland to visit for a few days, and we had a really good time.  There really isn’t much else to report until I can tell about everything else going on, so I will be back with that soon!!


Love you!!

Add a comment June 18, 2008

Happy One Month Birthday To Me!!!


I went to the doctor today and I am a growing girl!!

I weigh 8 lbs even and I am 20 1/2 inches long!  YAY!!  I have grown a whole 2 inches since I was born!  I got my 2nd hepatitis B shot today and I didn’t even cry! 

That picture up there is for my Aunt She!!  YAY Tarheels!

3 comments June 9, 2008

Hi Friends!


It has been a busy week!

Kami came over to take my picture on Thursday, so we should be able to see those soon!

My GranMargie came to stay with me this weekend.  I sure do like it when she is here.  She brought mommy a different camera, so we will have new pictures uploaded to my flickr page soon. 

I go to the dr tomorrow for my 1 month checkup, and I am pretty sure I am taller and weigh over 7 lbs now, but I will let you know for sure tomorrow.  I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Add a comment June 8, 2008

A little about me…


I was born on May 8th at 1:44 in the afternoon.

I weighed in at 5 lbs 13 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long.

I turned 3 weeks old yesterday, and as of now, I weigh almost 6 1/2 lbs!  I’m gonna be a big kid before ya know it!

That’s me taking a nap on my daddy while we were in Midland last weekend!

1 comment May 30, 2008

Hello World

This is me, 1 day old!!


Ok, I decided to start a blog so everyone could keep up with Karsen, what she is doing, and how she is growing.  Being parents is awesome!  Jeremy and I are having the best time ever.  And as for Karsen, well, what can I say…she’s pretty much perfect.  :o)  So we will update this with pictures and stories as often as we can.  Thanks for finding us!



6 comments May 29, 2008






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